Okay, come here and let me check you out. No fever, color in the cheeks. So what is the problem. "I have a headache and my tummy huuuuurrrtssss!" Nothing like 8yo melodrama. So back to bed she went, where she promptly went back to sleep. After a conference with DH, we decided that she really was not feeling good and we let her stay home. She spent most of the day lounging on the couch with some whimpering thrown in.
This morning she was back by my bed with the whining but since by last night she was acting much better, I told her to get dressed and go to school. So all was right with the world. DS and I were hanging out, watching a bit of TV, playing games on his Thomas computer when the phone rang.
Me: Hello
Caller: Mom, I don't feel good, will you come get me?
Me: (since they sound nearly alike on the phone) Which one are you? *
*Note to self to remind them about identifying themselves on the phone.
Caller: It is J.
Me: Now you are sick?
Caller: Yeah. Will you come get me, pleeeaaassseee?
So now DD 12 is ensconced on the couch with her computer.
In other fun stuff, I have been having a lot of fun the last couple of days wandering around the digi-scrapping world. I have found a couple of new sites and communities to join. Everyone is working hard and I am finding all kinds of things to play with. These ladies are so creative and I appreciate them sharing their talent with those of us who are not as gifted.
And finally, here is the layout I made to send in for the album SS sisters are making for Donnann and Dan.

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