Excuse?? No excuse is good enough? Really, I think this one is. I have been busy. Busy scrapping that is. I decided to join the sketchapalooza class over at Feeling Scrappy. I love to look at sketches and see what others create with them but actually using them causes my blood pressure to rise. But I love them so I decided to take a class and force myself to learn to utilize these great sources of inspiration.
Here is my rendition of the first "sketch assignment".

Credits: Sketch designed by Stacey. Papers and Elements from Digital Candy's March Birthday Kit freebie. Designers are Jen of ChaosLounge, Illyera and Melissa of Devine Designs. Alpha from Sunshine Sweets blog freebie. Font is Pristina.
I am pleased with the results. Sketch 2 has been up for a full day and I have not gotten very far. I am hung up on the step in the process that gets me whether I am digiscrapping or doing a traditional layout. I have to pick the paper. This is always a struggle. Something else I am hoping this class will help me overcome. Aww, I am putting so much on this one poor little class. The pressure of it all.
Also, I took a leap and entered a layout of mine in a contest at PenScrapper. The prize is a medium size Bamboo Fun. One grand prize winner wins the Bamboo fun, a new printer and a new digital camera. I entered for fun but I really, really want that Bamboo fun. Winners are chosen based on visitors votes. If you are so inclined, it would please me a great deal if you would click on the clicky and vote for my layout. Thanks!!!
Great job on the sketch! Looking forward to more of your Layouts!