Sunday, November 30, 2008
Blog Challenge: Gratitude Day 28
Today I am grateful for the internet. I just spent 4+ days at my parents for the long weekend. They do not have internet.... I was having some serious withdrawal issues. Now that I am home with my trusty wireless connection I can get back into my normal routine. I can check my email again and check on all my fabulous internet friends. The time with my family was great but I am really glad to be back in touch again.
Blog Challenge,
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Blog Challenge: Gratitude Day 27
Today I am grateful for falling gas prices. Here in Oregon we are now firmly below $2 per gallon in many places. Earlier this week I was able to fill the mini-van for $25. I have not done that for literally years. Because of where we live, driving is something one or both of us must do every day. Obviously DH must go to work but he is in a carpool a couple days a week. I must go pick up DS from preschool 3 days a week and get groceries, etc. We, like many, adjusted our driving habits when prices were at their highest but now I am quite thankful that putting gas in the car is not such a strain on the budget.
Blog Challenge,
Friday, November 28, 2008
Blog Challenge: Gratitude Day 26
Today I am grateful for leftovers. As good as the turkey is on Thanksgiving, the leftovers are in some ways even better. I could, and have, eaten stuffing cold right out of the bag or bowl. I love turkey and swiss sammies with cranberry sauce. But my very favorite meal using leftover turkey is Turkey Enchiladas. This meal has become almost as big a tradition in my family as the traditional meal on Thanksgiving. My mom found the recipe in an old recipe book she had and decided to give it a try one year as something different. That had to be when I was about 10 or 11. And we are still using it to this day. Mom makes her own corn tortillas which makes the whole dish even better.
Mmmmmmm......... I can't wait for dinner tonight.
Until tomorrow.........
Mmmmmmm......... I can't wait for dinner tonight.
Until tomorrow.........
Blog Challenge,
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Blog Challenge: Gratitude Day 25
On this day that is set aside for us all to give thanks for the blessings in our lives I am full of gratitude for so many things. First and foremost is that all my family is healthy save age-related issues.
Our family has suffered the loss of several elder members
this year so it makes me all the more thankful and grateful for the good health of the remaining members.

I am also grateful for the laughter and lighthearted moments that we share. Thanksgiving day is a day of play. My family enjoys tuning the TV to a football game and getting out the cards or board games to pass the time while the turkey cooks. We have a lot of fun laughing and playing together.

I am also grateful that my daughters enjoy helping with the components of the day. Emily loves to arrange flowers so her job is to make the centerpiece. Jessie is learning to cook and bake so she helps with a number of aspects of the meal. She will help with whatever we ask her to do.

Finally, I am grateful that my parents were willing to open their home to host my inlaws at our holiday meal this year. It is so difficult to split holidays and figure out who is going to host what so this is the best of all worlds.
May your holiday be blessed, happy and healthy.
Until tomorrow......

I am also grateful for the laughter and lighthearted moments that we share. Thanksgiving day is a day of play. My family enjoys tuning the TV to a football game and getting out the cards or board games to pass the time while the turkey cooks. We have a lot of fun laughing and playing together.

I am also grateful that my daughters enjoy helping with the components of the day. Emily loves to arrange flowers so her job is to make the centerpiece. Jessie is learning to cook and bake so she helps with a number of aspects of the meal. She will help with whatever we ask her to do.

Finally, I am grateful that my parents were willing to open their home to host my inlaws at our holiday meal this year. It is so difficult to split holidays and figure out who is going to host what so this is the best of all worlds.
May your holiday be blessed, happy and healthy.
Until tomorrow......
Blog Challenge,
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Blog Challenge: Gratitude Day 24
Today I am grateful for my kids. Today was an unusual day. Today they did what I asked mostly when I asked without argument. That is not usually the case. They usually ignore requests for help (like yesterday) or argue about what needs to be done and in what order, etc.
But today, they must have sensed my anxiety about having everything ready to go when DH gets home so we can get on our way to my parents, or perhaps they figured out that if things did not get done, I was going to blow. Who knows what motivates them at odd moments but I am grateful today was one of those moments.
Blog Challenge,
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Blog Challenge: Gratitude Day 23
Today I am grateful for all the nice comments I have gotten about the layouts I made for the Sketchapalooza class. Every now and then we all need a boost to our egos. This class did that for me. I so appreciate the other participants taking the time to look at and comment on my layouts.
Blog Challenge,
We've come to the end.
Yesterday was the last day of Sketchapalooza II. I had a lot of fun working with all the sketches designed by Jayne Jones, Amy Bell, and Stacey Lokovic. This is the first time I have ever taken a class like this and I was really impressed with all the creative energy that was flowing. You can find my layouts of the first eight sketches by clicking on the sketches label over there in my sidebar.
I really appreciate all the hard work that went into the "behind the scenes" stuff it takes to put on a class like this. I would encourage anyone to check out Sketchapalooza III coming up in March. I am looking forward to it.
The best thing about this class is that it got me scrapping again. I wanted to do some traditional pages to mix with my digital but in the end the digital won out. I just did not have the time to get a space cleared out to be able to get out the paper, punches and cutters to do some traditional pages. But I did stretch myself and learn some new techniques with my digital scrapping.
Sketch #9.
Credits: Sketch by Stacey Lokovic
Paper and swirls by Broken Jar Creations.
Photos enhanced with Orton action by PSEFrank
Sandedaway action by Atomic Cupcake
Sketch #10
Credits: Sketch by Jayne Jones
Journaling: Lucida Handwriting.
Title: Magneto
Papers from Betsy Tuma's Ready4Spring kit
Actions used: Color Pop by PSEFrank
Journaling reads:
I have known America Sayer for a major portion of my life.
Amy and her brothers, Matt and Austin, and my brother, Randy, and I were the only kids in the neighborhood. I was the oldest of the five of us and Amy was the youngest. We all played away many a summer day together, splashing in the creek, swinging from make-shift rope swings in the barns and riding bikes for hours. Eventually we all grew up, graduated and went on to college. Then one by one we each have found someone to love and marry except Amy and Randy. Focused on careers and families, we are rarely all together anymore. Despite the distance and limited contact, I still think of the three Sayer siblings as members of my extended family, as surrogate brothers and sister. So it was with great excitement that I reserved Saturday September 6, 2008 on my calendar to celebrate with Amy as she married the love of her
life, Kevin. I have only met Kevin a small handful of times but I know that this is the man that Amy is meant to spend her life with. They were so generous to share their wonderful, beautiful wedding day with all of us. Amy was radiant and Kevin all smiles on that gorgeous, sun-drenched day in September. As they danced their first dance the sun shone on them brightly, making Amy’s dreamy expression glow and her gown sparkle. I love Amy like a sister and it was such an honor to share her special day. The only sadness was that my brother’s job kept him away. He made a point to call Amy and wish her well. The day was so special in so many ways, bringing together not only two lovely people in wedded bliss but bringing old, true friends together again too.
Sketch #11
Credits: Sketch by Amy Bell
Polka dot paper by Debra Fisher in her Spring is Sprung kit.
White paper is by Emily Giovanni in her White Essentials kit
Floral stamp from ScrapGirls
Stitch brush by The Scrappin Cop
Notebook paper by Luminicity
Journaling reads:
Jessie worked hard this year in 4-H. She had a great time working with her rabbits, goats and other projects. That hard work has paid off in many ways. She earned lots of awards and blue ribbons at fair. But the biggest reward is an invitation to the 4-H Awards Luncheon. To earn that reward, her records had to be completed, turned in, judged and selected for a special award. This year she earned the special award in Foods. It was a real pleasure to attend the luncheon with her where she accepted the award presented to her by the Perrydale Goodwill Club. Judy Peters, the 4-H agent, had many nice things to say about Jessie in the award presentation. She talked about Jessie’s hard work and dedication to her club and projects. We are very proud of her.
Sketch #12
Credits: Sketch by Stacey Lokovic
White background paper by Emily Giovanni in her White essentials kit
Blue paper by Blind Sight Designs
Red paper created by me using PSE 6 textures
White/pink paper Designer unknown, color adjusted.
Font is Impact
Sketch #13
Credits: Sketch by Jayne Jones
All papers and elements are from the Sunshine Sweets Easter Blog train freebies. Designers are Rita Massela, Franziska Altman and Amanda Kay.
Flourishes are PSE brushes.
Font is Lucida calligraphy
Sketch #14
Credits: Sketch by Stacey Lokovic
All papers and elements by Booland Designs (Kellie Puddy).
Fonts: Title - Goudy Stout and Journaling - Harlow Solid Italic
Sketch #15
Credits: Sketch by Jayne Jones
This was a single page sketch that I mirrored to make a double page layout
Blue papers from Booland Designs 100freebies.
Red paper from Pamela Gibson Designs StanleyPark kit
Font: Title - Broadway and journaling - Harlow Solid Italic
Journaling LHS reads:
Jessie participated in the Favorite Foods Fair in February 2008. This is a fun filled foods related day. Member bring a dish to be judged, a place setting to be judged and if they choose can partiicpate in a foods judging contest. Jessie took a knock off, easy version of Chicken Cordon Blu and got good reviews from the judge. She also got compliments on her place setting.
Journaling RHS reads:
Part of the day was spent helping set up for the Fair Improvement Auction. As a group they rolled plasticware in napkins and decorated tables. Later in the evening the club helped serve beverages at the Auction.
Sketch #16
Credits: Sketch by Amy Bell
Green background paper, peach background paper, dark green tag and flowers by Ellie Lash.
Swirly paper and ribbon by Amanda Kay
Blingy photo frame by Boutique Cute Doll
Font is Harlow Solid Italic
Sketch #17
Credits: Sketch by Stacey Lokovic
Red, blue and cream papers and word art from Digital Scrapbook place welcome kit
Brown background paper by Ruby Rynne given in the Trash to Treasure hunt.
Stitching and apple elements by Mimilou
Font: Curlz MT
Journaling reads:
Graduation from the 3’s class marks the triumphant end of David’s first year of preschool. The year was a whirlwind of activities, learning, field trips, play and fun. Ms. Dianna is a great teacher and David loved his days with her. At graduation she presented him with a book about, what else, Thomas! He did not take more than one or two things for sharing time that weren’t related to Thomas. Now it is on to the 4’s class next year!
Sketch #18
Credits: Sketch by Jayne Jones
Alpha by Karen Jones of Kjoi Designs
Papers all by Betsy Tuma except vellum and dark blue background paper.
Vellum is a paper from Emily Giovanni’s White Essentials Kit with a blending mode applied and opacity reduced.
Dark blue background paper created by me.
Flourish is a PSE brush
Font is Goudy Old Style
Journaling reads:
Emily broke her wrist when she fell off a piece of play equipment at school in May 2008. Luckily as injuries go this one was fairly mild. She basically bent the bone at the wrist causing a “bone wrinkle” or a green stick fracture. However, no matter how mild the break is, the doctor says it needs a cast. Luckily, though, Emily only had to have the cast on for about 3 weeks. On June 12th we headed over to the doctor’s office to have the cast removed so she could reclaim her summer. Even though it was in the cast such a short time, the arm still needed a good washing when we got home.
Grad Sketch #1
Credits: Sketch by Stacey Lokovic
All papers and elements are from Raspberry Road's Beach Bliss kit
Grad Sketch #2
Credits: Sketch by Jayne Jones
All papers and elements are from Raspberry Road's Beach Bliss kit
Font is Harlow Solid Italic
Journaling reads:
With all the kids off playing in Sunriver with Grandma Beasley, Matt and I decided to celebrate our anniversary with a trip to the coast. We went to Newport for the day. After spending the day visiting the Yaquina Head lighthouse, the Ben Johnson memorial bridge and having dinner at the Chowder Bowl in Nye Beach, we headed to the beach to watch the sunset. We found a spot at one of the waysides to walk down. We stopped on the bluff and set the camera up on the tripod to get a picture of us together in front of the panoramic view of the ocean and sinking sun.
I had a great time with this class and got 23 pages completed. I am well on my way to having 2008 caught up which is a huge accomplishment. I am so happy I decided to take this class. Now I truly "get" sketches and hopefully that will keep my scrapping mojo going.
I really appreciate all the hard work that went into the "behind the scenes" stuff it takes to put on a class like this. I would encourage anyone to check out Sketchapalooza III coming up in March. I am looking forward to it.
The best thing about this class is that it got me scrapping again. I wanted to do some traditional pages to mix with my digital but in the end the digital won out. I just did not have the time to get a space cleared out to be able to get out the paper, punches and cutters to do some traditional pages. But I did stretch myself and learn some new techniques with my digital scrapping.
Sketch #9.

Paper and swirls by Broken Jar Creations.
Photos enhanced with Orton action by PSEFrank
Sandedaway action by Atomic Cupcake
Sketch #10

Journaling: Lucida Handwriting.
Title: Magneto
Papers from Betsy Tuma's Ready4Spring kit
Actions used: Color Pop by PSEFrank
Journaling reads:
I have known America Sayer for a major portion of my life.
Amy and her brothers, Matt and Austin, and my brother, Randy, and I were the only kids in the neighborhood. I was the oldest of the five of us and Amy was the youngest. We all played away many a summer day together, splashing in the creek, swinging from make-shift rope swings in the barns and riding bikes for hours. Eventually we all grew up, graduated and went on to college. Then one by one we each have found someone to love and marry except Amy and Randy. Focused on careers and families, we are rarely all together anymore. Despite the distance and limited contact, I still think of the three Sayer siblings as members of my extended family, as surrogate brothers and sister. So it was with great excitement that I reserved Saturday September 6, 2008 on my calendar to celebrate with Amy as she married the love of her
life, Kevin. I have only met Kevin a small handful of times but I know that this is the man that Amy is meant to spend her life with. They were so generous to share their wonderful, beautiful wedding day with all of us. Amy was radiant and Kevin all smiles on that gorgeous, sun-drenched day in September. As they danced their first dance the sun shone on them brightly, making Amy’s dreamy expression glow and her gown sparkle. I love Amy like a sister and it was such an honor to share her special day. The only sadness was that my brother’s job kept him away. He made a point to call Amy and wish her well. The day was so special in so many ways, bringing together not only two lovely people in wedded bliss but bringing old, true friends together again too.
Sketch #11

Polka dot paper by Debra Fisher in her Spring is Sprung kit.
White paper is by Emily Giovanni in her White Essentials kit
Floral stamp from ScrapGirls
Stitch brush by The Scrappin Cop
Notebook paper by Luminicity
Journaling reads:
Jessie worked hard this year in 4-H. She had a great time working with her rabbits, goats and other projects. That hard work has paid off in many ways. She earned lots of awards and blue ribbons at fair. But the biggest reward is an invitation to the 4-H Awards Luncheon. To earn that reward, her records had to be completed, turned in, judged and selected for a special award. This year she earned the special award in Foods. It was a real pleasure to attend the luncheon with her where she accepted the award presented to her by the Perrydale Goodwill Club. Judy Peters, the 4-H agent, had many nice things to say about Jessie in the award presentation. She talked about Jessie’s hard work and dedication to her club and projects. We are very proud of her.
Sketch #12

White background paper by Emily Giovanni in her White essentials kit
Blue paper by Blind Sight Designs
Red paper created by me using PSE 6 textures
White/pink paper Designer unknown, color adjusted.
Font is Impact
Sketch #13

All papers and elements are from the Sunshine Sweets Easter Blog train freebies. Designers are Rita Massela, Franziska Altman and Amanda Kay.
Flourishes are PSE brushes.
Font is Lucida calligraphy
Sketch #14

All papers and elements by Booland Designs (Kellie Puddy).
Fonts: Title - Goudy Stout and Journaling - Harlow Solid Italic
Sketch #15

Credits: Sketch by Jayne Jones
This was a single page sketch that I mirrored to make a double page layout
Blue papers from Booland Designs 100freebies.
Red paper from Pamela Gibson Designs StanleyPark kit
Font: Title - Broadway and journaling - Harlow Solid Italic
Journaling LHS reads:
Jessie participated in the Favorite Foods Fair in February 2008. This is a fun filled foods related day. Member bring a dish to be judged, a place setting to be judged and if they choose can partiicpate in a foods judging contest. Jessie took a knock off, easy version of Chicken Cordon Blu and got good reviews from the judge. She also got compliments on her place setting.
Journaling RHS reads:
Part of the day was spent helping set up for the Fair Improvement Auction. As a group they rolled plasticware in napkins and decorated tables. Later in the evening the club helped serve beverages at the Auction.
Sketch #16

Green background paper, peach background paper, dark green tag and flowers by Ellie Lash.
Swirly paper and ribbon by Amanda Kay
Blingy photo frame by Boutique Cute Doll
Font is Harlow Solid Italic
Sketch #17

Red, blue and cream papers and word art from Digital Scrapbook place welcome kit
Brown background paper by Ruby Rynne given in the Trash to Treasure hunt.
Stitching and apple elements by Mimilou
Font: Curlz MT
Journaling reads:
Graduation from the 3’s class marks the triumphant end of David’s first year of preschool. The year was a whirlwind of activities, learning, field trips, play and fun. Ms. Dianna is a great teacher and David loved his days with her. At graduation she presented him with a book about, what else, Thomas! He did not take more than one or two things for sharing time that weren’t related to Thomas. Now it is on to the 4’s class next year!
Sketch #18

Alpha by Karen Jones of Kjoi Designs
Papers all by Betsy Tuma except vellum and dark blue background paper.
Vellum is a paper from Emily Giovanni’s White Essentials Kit with a blending mode applied and opacity reduced.
Dark blue background paper created by me.
Flourish is a PSE brush
Font is Goudy Old Style
Journaling reads:
Emily broke her wrist when she fell off a piece of play equipment at school in May 2008. Luckily as injuries go this one was fairly mild. She basically bent the bone at the wrist causing a “bone wrinkle” or a green stick fracture. However, no matter how mild the break is, the doctor says it needs a cast. Luckily, though, Emily only had to have the cast on for about 3 weeks. On June 12th we headed over to the doctor’s office to have the cast removed so she could reclaim her summer. Even though it was in the cast such a short time, the arm still needed a good washing when we got home.
Grad Sketch #1

All papers and elements are from Raspberry Road's Beach Bliss kit
Grad Sketch #2

All papers and elements are from Raspberry Road's Beach Bliss kit
Font is Harlow Solid Italic
Journaling reads:
With all the kids off playing in Sunriver with Grandma Beasley, Matt and I decided to celebrate our anniversary with a trip to the coast. We went to Newport for the day. After spending the day visiting the Yaquina Head lighthouse, the Ben Johnson memorial bridge and having dinner at the Chowder Bowl in Nye Beach, we headed to the beach to watch the sunset. We found a spot at one of the waysides to walk down. We stopped on the bluff and set the camera up on the tripod to get a picture of us together in front of the panoramic view of the ocean and sinking sun.
I had a great time with this class and got 23 pages completed. I am well on my way to having 2008 caught up which is a huge accomplishment. I am so happy I decided to take this class. Now I truly "get" sketches and hopefully that will keep my scrapping mojo going.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Blog Challenge: Gratitude Day 22
Today I am grateful that my girls have a hobby that they love. Today was riding lesson day. Yes it costs us a small fortune but the girls love it and they are good at it. There are so many benefits. It builds their confidence. They have fun. They work together. They learn to look out for each other. It is a proven fact that kids who ride horses are better, more aware drivers, something we have to look forward to in the next few years.

So today I am grateful for riding lessons, all the things they teach my kids and that I can afford to continue to give the girls all those opportunities.
Until tomorrow......
Blog Challenge,
riding lessons
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Blog Challenge: Gratitude Day 21
Today I am grateful for living away from the Columbia River Gorge so I don't have to deal with the infamous east winds that are cranking up. It was absolutely beautiful today after the fog burned off and it was pleasant to be outside. The temps were crisp but still pleasant. Closer to the gorge wind chill dropped that pleasant right away. Incidentally my inlaws live right at the mouth of the gorge and they said it was a bit lower than "crisp" out today.
Blog Challenge,
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Blog Challenge: Gratitude Day 20
Today I am grateful for a huge Oregon State comeback and win to keep us in the hunt for the Rose Bowl. It was an amazing display of poise on the part of our kicker who missed a PAT that would have tied the game all up at 17. He came back on the field with 4 seconds left with the weight of that miss weighing on him to kick the game winning field goal. It was heartstoppingly scary and incredibly exciting all at the same time.
*Note to those who might note that this was not posted by midnight, I adjusted the date this morning because I was so tired when I got home at nearly midnight from my parents house (who don't have internet, can you imagine!!!!) I forgot to hit the publish button.
*Note to those who might note that this was not posted by midnight, I adjusted the date this morning because I was so tired when I got home at nearly midnight from my parents house (who don't have internet, can you imagine!!!!) I forgot to hit the publish button.
Blog Challenge,
OSU Football
Friday, November 21, 2008
Blog Challenge: Gratitude Day 19
Today I was grateful for:

But tonight I am grateful for the sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy headed so you can sleep medicine.

But tonight I am grateful for the sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy headed so you can sleep medicine.

Blog Challenge,
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Blog Challenge: Gratitude Day 18
Today I am grateful for grocery stores that are open late. I just got home a little bit ago from getting the last of the things that we need to make Thanksgiving dinner for around 60 to 65 people tomorrow.
Blog Challenge,
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Blog Challenge: Gratitude Day 17 and an update to Day 15
Today I am grateful for the teacher at DD's school that willing went out of her way to take care of an errand that needed to be done for a project I am working on saving me lots of time and gas expense. Thank you Ms. C.
And a sad update to the story in gratitude blog post day 15. Unfortunately the boys' bodies were found a few yards from shore and just downstream from where their fishing poles were found. The younger boy was autistic and did not swim well. It appears that the younger boy fell in the river and the older boy tried to save him. This happened in Independence, Oregon. Please keep the family in your prayers over the coming days.
Until tomorrow............
And a sad update to the story in gratitude blog post day 15. Unfortunately the boys' bodies were found a few yards from shore and just downstream from where their fishing poles were found. The younger boy was autistic and did not swim well. It appears that the younger boy fell in the river and the older boy tried to save him. This happened in Independence, Oregon. Please keep the family in your prayers over the coming days.
Until tomorrow............
Blog Challenge,
sad update
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Blog Challenge: Gratitude Day 16
Today I am grateful for our three little kittens. They are so cute, loveable and hilarious. They keep me in giggles daily.
Blog Challenge,
Monday, November 17, 2008
Blog Challenge: Gratitude Day 15
Today I am grateful for dozens of people putting their lives on hold to search for two missing people in a small town near me. One little boy and one 20 yo young man went missing yesterday while fishing along the Willamette River. Today dozens of searchers dropped whatever they needed to do today to help look for them. Unfortunately nothing has been learned yet so please keep this family and the searchers in your prayers. I do not know the missing kids personally but I am worried for this family and grateful that there are people to help them.
Blog Challenge,
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Blog Challenge: Gratitude Day 14
Today I am grateful for the opportunities that 4-H provides for my kids. My daughter Jessie is learning poise, personal responsibility, animal care, record keeping, leadership and public speaking skills. There are many other thing she is learning as well. On Friday she was rewarded for her hard work with a special award
for her records and today she was elected vice-president of her club.
My second DD Emily is not old enough to join 4-H yet but she is involved in the pre-4-H program, learning many of the same things that her sister is learning so she will be prepared next year when she is able to fully participate in all that 4-H has to offer.
I am also grateful to 4-H for giving me the opportunity to have contact with many talented and personable youth in my community and allowing me to participate in their growth as people and 4-H members as a leader in the club.
Until tomorrow.........
My second DD Emily is not old enough to join 4-H yet but she is involved in the pre-4-H program, learning many of the same things that her sister is learning so she will be prepared next year when she is able to fully participate in all that 4-H has to offer.
I am also grateful to 4-H for giving me the opportunity to have contact with many talented and personable youth in my community and allowing me to participate in their growth as people and 4-H members as a leader in the club.
Until tomorrow.........
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Blog Challenge: Gratitude Day 13
Today I am grateful for college football, specifically Oregon State University football. From the pregame tailgate party with my family to the excitement of a big win, I just love football. I am grateful for the chance to connect with my extended family, my aunt and uncle and my cousin and his kids, as well with my parents. I am grateful for a fun, fairly safe environment to take my kids to. I am grateful for the chance to meet and talk to interesting people that share a common interest with me.
**I have pictures but blogger is not uploading correctly right now so I will try to update this post tomorrow.
Until then......
**I have pictures but blogger is not uploading correctly right now so I will try to update this post tomorrow.
Until then......
Friday, November 14, 2008
Blog Challenge: Gratitude Day 12
Today I am grateful for my house. It is a safe haven to come back to each day.
Blog Challenge,
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Blog Challenge: Gratitude Day 11
Today I am grateful for the other moms in the PTC. I juggle a lot of responsibilities in my volunteer positions with the Parent Teacher Club at school and sometime it is hard to keep all the balls in the air. So I am grateful for the other moms who willingly step in and talk me down from the edge when I am ready to jump.
Blog Challenge,
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Blog Challenge: Gratitude Day 10
Today I am grateful for volunteer rescuers. I am posting this really late tonight. I have been trying to figure out what to post about today. As I was sitting here watching a mindless sitcom and organizing awards for tomorrow's assembly, news previews came on discussing the following story. Northern Oregon and Southern Washington have spent the last couple of days getting hammered with two strong storms that have brought high winds and lots of rain. On the coast that combination always, always causes problems but tonight a very scary event occurred. There have been many reports over the years of devastation from storms like these. Flooding, mud slides, damaged roads and homes are only a few things that we often see from these storms. But usually people have enough warning to get out of the way, batten down their homes and hunker down to ride out the storm. Tonight's story was different. Tonight a bridge gave way over a creek that was rising and rushing. On that bridge was an SUV carrying a mom, her daughter and two foster children home from a church event. The SUV ended up in the water where it floated around a 1/4 mile down river before coming to rest against the bank. The 11-yo girl in that car was able to get out, help her mom and the younger children out on to the roof of the vehicle and then climb a tree, get to a neighbor's house and call for help.
The volunteer rescuers and even a TV crew jumped into action. They donned safety equipment and climbed out onto the same tree that the little girl had climbed to get out and got that mom and those little kids off the roof of the SUV and on to dry ground. The TV crew helped hold a ladder that the rescuers had to manuever into place and climb to get to that family. Thankfully everyone was pulled to safety and while cold, wet and terrified, all those involved are safe and being evaluated by medical personnel as I type this.
So tonight I am thankful for volunteer rescuers, TV crews that are in the right place at the right time and brave 11-yo girls.
The volunteer rescuers and even a TV crew jumped into action. They donned safety equipment and climbed out onto the same tree that the little girl had climbed to get out and got that mom and those little kids off the roof of the SUV and on to dry ground. The TV crew helped hold a ladder that the rescuers had to manuever into place and climb to get to that family. Thankfully everyone was pulled to safety and while cold, wet and terrified, all those involved are safe and being evaluated by medical personnel as I type this.
So tonight I am thankful for volunteer rescuers, TV crews that are in the right place at the right time and brave 11-yo girls.
Blog Challenge,
wild weather
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Blog Challenge: Gratitude Day 9
Today is Veteran's Day. The day set aside to thank all the veterans who have helped to keep our country safe and free. We honor them with parades, breakfasts and dinners in their honor. Today I am grateful for all the veteran's in DH's and my families as well as those in everyone else's families.
This is my cousin's son. He is currently serving in the Navy out of San Diego. I am so grateful that he is willing to sacrifice 6 months out of each year watching his son grow up to keep our country safe. I don't see him nearly often enough considering that he is gone half of each year and he lives over 1000 miles away so this photo of him in uniform is a real treasure. As is this one of him laughing at my constant picture taking. 
Through out our family trees, DH and I have many relatives who are veterans. My Grandfather fought in WWI and my own father was in the Army during the Korean war. In fact in DH's family there are even Generals. These men sacrificed a great deal to their chosen career of service to our country. I cannot imagine making that sacrifice but I am so grateful that there are men and women who, along with their families, can and do.
On this Veteran's Day, all I can say is THANK YOU to all who willing sacrifice to make my family feel safe.
Until tomorrow......
Through out our family trees, DH and I have many relatives who are veterans. My Grandfather fought in WWI and my own father was in the Army during the Korean war. In fact in DH's family there are even Generals. These men sacrificed a great deal to their chosen career of service to our country. I cannot imagine making that sacrifice but I am so grateful that there are men and women who, along with their families, can and do.
On this Veteran's Day, all I can say is THANK YOU to all who willing sacrifice to make my family feel safe.
Until tomorrow......
Blog Challenge,
Monday, November 10, 2008
Blog Challenge: Gratitude Day 8
Today I am grateful for random days off from school when I can just hang out with my kids. Right now they are out playing with each other and the dog. I worked at DS's preschool this morning and then came home to hang out with the girls and DS. We get to enjoy this togetherness again tomorrow too but there will be more running around because of an orthodontist appointment and riding lessons.
Yep, random teacher days and holidays are nice.
Until tomorrow.............
Yep, random teacher days and holidays are nice.
Until tomorrow.............
Blog Challenge,
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Blog Challenge: Gratitude Day 7
Today I am grateful for all the digital designers out there that give of themselves so freely. Most of my digital supplies are freebies that I have picked up because of these designers and their generosity. As with paper scrapbooking, digital scrapbooking can suck up a lot of money quickly if you let it. If it were not for the generosity of these designers, I would not have been able to get into digital scrapbooking nearly as quickly as I have. DH and I are working hard to pay down our debt so there is simply not a lot of extra money to pay for lots of scrapbooking supplies, paper or digital, so these designers have enabled me to continue to preserve my family's memories and stay within our budget as well.
These are the layouts I have done over the last few days for the sketchapalooza II class I am taking over at Feeling Scrappy.
This is my rendition of sketch #4. The inspiration for this layout was my kids. I have never worked with a round sketch before and this one was a challenge that I enjoyed.

Credits: Sketch by Stacy Lokovic
Papers, heart elements and buttons by Michelle Bennett in her Stupid Cupid kit.
Rickrack element by Britteny of Britt-ish Designs in her Sunshine Sweets mini-kit.
Font: ReservoirGrunge.
This is my version of sketch #6. Carving pumpkins is a tradition for Halloween. That is another thing to be grateful for with digital scrapbooking, I can take pictures and the very next day scrap them. With paper the delay is much longer particularly since I have not made a paper layout since February.

Credits: Sketch by Amy Bell.
Background papers:
Orange paper from MimiLou's Kit Acidule'
Brown paper is a black paper from Emily Giovani's Essential Black kit with the orange over top and blended with the blending mode soft light.
Title created with font Showcard Gothic and cutting letters from a paper by Moon Scraps given as a freebie in the recent Scrap Orchard/Sunshine Studio Halloween blog train.
Button elements and Word Art by Gingerscraps in her Jackolantern kit.
This is my take on sketch #7.

Credits: Sketch by Stacey Lokovic.
Papers by Pamela Gibson.
Frame action by PSE Frank
Font is akaFrivolity(OT1)
This is sketch #8.

Credits: Sketch by Jayne Jones
Blue background paper from Flergs
Red background paper from Pamela Gibson
White background paper from Flergs
Stars cut from white background paper
Blue rubber band from Blind Sight Designs
I want to thank all of these designers for their generosity.
Until tomorrow.......
These are the layouts I have done over the last few days for the sketchapalooza II class I am taking over at Feeling Scrappy.
This is my rendition of sketch #4. The inspiration for this layout was my kids. I have never worked with a round sketch before and this one was a challenge that I enjoyed.

Credits: Sketch by Stacy Lokovic
Papers, heart elements and buttons by Michelle Bennett in her Stupid Cupid kit.
Rickrack element by Britteny of Britt-ish Designs in her Sunshine Sweets mini-kit.
Font: ReservoirGrunge.
This is my version of sketch #6. Carving pumpkins is a tradition for Halloween. That is another thing to be grateful for with digital scrapbooking, I can take pictures and the very next day scrap them. With paper the delay is much longer particularly since I have not made a paper layout since February.

Credits: Sketch by Amy Bell.
Background papers:
Orange paper from MimiLou's Kit Acidule'
Brown paper is a black paper from Emily Giovani's Essential Black kit with the orange over top and blended with the blending mode soft light.
Title created with font Showcard Gothic and cutting letters from a paper by Moon Scraps given as a freebie in the recent Scrap Orchard/Sunshine Studio Halloween blog train.
Button elements and Word Art by Gingerscraps in her Jackolantern kit.
This is my take on sketch #7.

Credits: Sketch by Stacey Lokovic.
Papers by Pamela Gibson.
Frame action by PSE Frank
Font is akaFrivolity(OT1)
This is sketch #8.

Credits: Sketch by Jayne Jones
Blue background paper from Flergs
Red background paper from Pamela Gibson
White background paper from Flergs
Stars cut from white background paper
Blue rubber band from Blind Sight Designs
I want to thank all of these designers for their generosity.
Until tomorrow.......
Blog Challenge,
Digital scrapbooking,
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Blog Challenge: Gratitude Day 6
Today I am grateful for my mother-in-law. I am grateful that she is a wonderful grandmother to my children. I am grateful that she helps fill in the gaps for Matt and I by making sure these children get a bit of culture in their lives.
Today the girls left to go visit Grandma and Grandpa for the weekend. Grandma and Grandpa are taking the girls to a Trans Siberian Orchestra concert tomorrow and then bringing them home again. I am grateful that my mother-in-law wants to do things like this with my children. I am grateful that she has the time and resources to do these things with my children. I am grateful that my children have her in their lives. My mother-in-law is not perfect by any means and she can annoy the heck out of me at times but all in all she is a huge asset to our family. She did an admirable job raising three children (at least Matt turned out pretty good, his brother and sister have their issues LOL). She is smart and fun and truly enjoys spending time with all of her grandchildren. While I would not say we are particularly close, I am grateful that she is in our lives, in good health and happy to be with us.
Blog Challenge,
Friday, November 7, 2008
Blog Challenge: Gratitude Day 5
Today I am grateful for my children's teachers. Their teachers are all compassionate, competent people who are helping me mold my children into the adults they will one day be. I am particularly grateful for the open door policy that each teacher has allowing me access to their classrooms as a volunteer. I love the time I get to spend in their classrooms watching the kids absorb knowledge, struggle and succeed. I love being able to help with that process a couple of times a week. My children's teachers are amazing people and I am so lucky that my kids get to have these people in their lives.
Blog Challenge,
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Blog Challenge: Gratitude Day 4
Today I am grateful for my kids' school. I am grateful that they don't come home and ask me questions of a political nature that I can't or don't want to answer. I am grateful that politics and the election had no bearing on their friendships. I am grateful that they did not have anyone ridicule them over their parents choices in this election. I am grateful that they are getting the education they need without all the "stuff" that goes on at other schools in other areas.
Blog Challenge,
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Blog Challenge: Gratitude Day 3
Today I am grateful for pictures.
Pictures capture memories for the future. Pictures tell our stories. Pictures help us to hang on to a bit of those we have lost.
Pictures remind us of sunnier times when skies are gray.
Like today,

As opposed to the pictures seen in this layout I did from sketch 5 of the sketchapalooza II class at Feeling Scrappy.
Credits: Sketch by Jayne Jones. All papers are from Jan Hosford's Woodland Song kit.
Until tomorrow.....
Pictures capture memories for the future. Pictures tell our stories. Pictures help us to hang on to a bit of those we have lost.
Pictures remind us of sunnier times when skies are gray.
Like today,
As opposed to the pictures seen in this layout I did from sketch 5 of the sketchapalooza II class at Feeling Scrappy.

Until tomorrow.....
Blog Challenge,
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Blog Challenge: Gratitude Day 2
As people head to the polls today all over this fine country, I am grateful for several elections related things.
I am grateful that I have the right to vote and be heard.
I am grateful that Oregon has vote by mail so I don't have to wait in line to cast my vote.
I am grateful that we have choices, no matter how bad or good.
I am grateful that we have sources to research our choices and the ability to make our own decisions.
Vote and be heard.
I am grateful that I have the right to vote and be heard.
I am grateful that Oregon has vote by mail so I don't have to wait in line to cast my vote.
I am grateful that we have choices, no matter how bad or good.
I am grateful that we have sources to research our choices and the ability to make our own decisions.
Vote and be heard.
Blog Challenge,
Monday, November 3, 2008
Blog Challenge: Gratitude Day 1
It is amazing to me what the internet and scrapbooking have brought to my life. A woman, whom I have never met in person, but who I would like to call a friend has issued a blog challenge over on Scrapshare.
This is the challenge as copied from Sherri's blog:
Colossians 3:15
And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.
This month I challenge all of you, my blogging friends, to post a gratitude post daily. If possible, post a picture to go along with it! As an extra incentive, I will offer up something special for those of you that participate in this every day...I'll start counting from November 3rd since some of you may not see this until then. Everyone that participates daily starting no later than the 3rd will be entered in a drawing at the end of the month. Keep it simple or go all out! Comment and let me know if you're up for the challenge!
So I am going to take up the challenge as a personal one to update my blog daily with both something I am grateful for and with a tidbit of my life. I have not been faithful to my blog but I keep saying I want to do daily posts so here is the perfect opportunity.
Today I am grateful for having the ability to connect with people on such a personal level while having never met them IRL. I have so many friends across the world and I hope to someday meet some of them in person but the richness that they bring to my life just through the computer is amazing.
So what are you grateful for today?
Also, I wanted to share with you the layouts I created using the sketches from the Sketchapalooza II class I am taking. I posted the layout from the first sketch in my last post.
Here is my rendition of sketch #2. This sketch was designed by Jayne.
Credits: Font: Lucida Sans
Background papers: Hummies October papers 1 and 4.
Metal Brad: Polka Dot Plum’s Sunshine Sweets freebie.
Leaves: In My Soft Garden add on kit by MimiLou.
Copper Alpha: By JanelScraps
And here is my take on sketch #3. This sketch was designed by Amy.
Credits: Background papers and elements are from Little Dreamer Designs by Michelle Coleman. The kit is call Wild Sorbet.
Notebook paper: Source unknown.
Title: Ravie
Journaling: Rockwell
This is the challenge as copied from Sherri's blog:
Colossians 3:15
And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.
This month I challenge all of you, my blogging friends, to post a gratitude post daily. If possible, post a picture to go along with it! As an extra incentive, I will offer up something special for those of you that participate in this every day...I'll start counting from November 3rd since some of you may not see this until then. Everyone that participates daily starting no later than the 3rd will be entered in a drawing at the end of the month. Keep it simple or go all out! Comment and let me know if you're up for the challenge!
So I am going to take up the challenge as a personal one to update my blog daily with both something I am grateful for and with a tidbit of my life. I have not been faithful to my blog but I keep saying I want to do daily posts so here is the perfect opportunity.
Today I am grateful for having the ability to connect with people on such a personal level while having never met them IRL. I have so many friends across the world and I hope to someday meet some of them in person but the richness that they bring to my life just through the computer is amazing.
So what are you grateful for today?
Also, I wanted to share with you the layouts I created using the sketches from the Sketchapalooza II class I am taking. I posted the layout from the first sketch in my last post.
Here is my rendition of sketch #2. This sketch was designed by Jayne.

Background papers: Hummies October papers 1 and 4.
Metal Brad: Polka Dot Plum’s Sunshine Sweets freebie.
Leaves: In My Soft Garden add on kit by MimiLou.
Copper Alpha: By JanelScraps
And here is my take on sketch #3. This sketch was designed by Amy.

Notebook paper: Source unknown.
Title: Ravie
Journaling: Rockwell
Blog Challenge,
Digital scrapbooking,
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