I am also grateful for the laughter and lighthearted moments that we share. Thanksgiving day is a day of play. My family enjoys tuning the TV to a football game and getting out the cards or board games to pass the time while the turkey cooks. We have a lot of fun laughing and playing together.

I am also grateful that my daughters enjoy helping with the components of the day. Emily loves to arrange flowers so her job is to make the centerpiece. Jessie is learning to cook and bake so she helps with a number of aspects of the meal. She will help with whatever we ask her to do.

Finally, I am grateful that my parents were willing to open their home to host my inlaws at our holiday meal this year. It is so difficult to split holidays and figure out who is going to host what so this is the best of all worlds.
May your holiday be blessed, happy and healthy.
Until tomorrow......
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