After thinking about it some more, I decided to talk about each of them individually and to go from oldest to youngest over the next few days. (I made this decision because the oldest was the only one NOT here getting on my last nerve all day LOL)
I am told all the time how wonderful oldest DD is, how kind and friendly she is. I love that about her. I think her outgoing, bubbly, welcoming personality is beautiful. She can become friends with new acquaintances nearly instantly. When someone new comes to the school is the one that the teachers choose to show them around because they know she will make the new students feel welcome and comfortable.
Of course I think she is one of the most beautiful girls I know but I may be a bit biased.

She also works hard. She has lots of activities that she participates in within her 4-H club. She is an officer and a junior leader. She takes care of her goats and rabbit. She keeps her grades up and enjoys school.
Of course there is still a bit of attitude but that is what makes her fun and spunky.

She is beautiful. Sounds like she's an amazing girl.