Thursday, January 8, 2009

Find beauty - Day 5

Tonight I got some bad news. I am frustrated by the situation but it gave me the idea for tonight's post.

Today one of the teachers at DD's school (her morning teacher) was told that she is being let go effective the 16th. The short story is that our kids are in a charter school. We had a big influx of students in the younger grades at the beginning of the year (we have a prek-8th grade program) so to accommodate the needs of the students we hired a part-time teacher to teach 3rd grade the core subjects in the mornings. Now due to losses in our student body (particularly in the upper grades but really across the board because of students moving due to job loss as well as other issues) it is not in our budget to maintain this position we created. I am sad. I work with this teacher two mornings a week as her parent volunteer. I think she is doing a fabulous job. This is her first "real" teaching job. She did her final term of student teaching with us last year, ironically in my DD's class.

This teacher is a wonderful person. She was thrown into a situation where she had to set up a classroom from nothing the first week of school with no warning. She has done an amazing job. She has worked so hard to get students that are behind caught up while keeping the ones who are ahead moving forward. She is open and honest with parents too.

I am going to miss my time in her classroom. It looks like I am going to have more time on my hands because the other teacher does not seem to want my help in her classroom. I am sad about the whole thing.

Until tomorrow........

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