Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and that is never more true than with little boys. My little guy is my baby. He is challenging, entertaining, fun, perky, rascally and energetic. He has the most amazing personality. He is a monkey. Give him something to run around, climb over, crawl under or push around and you will be his bestest friend - for the length of time the activity takes. LOL. He is by far the most cuddly of my children. He will sit and cuddle while I read him stories or will just sit and watch TV with me. He still, at age 4, will come climb in my lap and fall asleep sometimes. The girls were so over that by this age. Rascal boy is way into trains. He adores Thomas the Tank Engine anything, toys, books, movies, etc. He also loves to play with the model electric train set that his daddy has been gathering up for him. He can sit for hours just running those trains around in circles.

He does have a temper and is not afraid to tell you what he thinks is wrong with whatever he deems a problem but he is also the fastest one to give a hug to make it all better. He is such a little man and is growing up so fast.
He has the most expressive eyes
I love your posts on your kids! They are just so cool.